A bit of history. The Dems thought they'd landed a great one with the advent of Cindy Sheehan. Sure she was clearly a loon but, hey, with the New York Times, et al, in their pocket, they could portray this lunatic leftist using her son's death for personal and political gain as some sort of "peace mom."
Of course the leftists knew that Sheehan's demand to "just talk with the President" was a lie, as the President had already met with Sheehan (who had then been quoted offering the President high praise), but they were confident enough in their control of information to think they could keep this from the people.
Sure, the Times knew that Sheehan's entire family (including Sheehan's own husband who had also lost his son in Iraq), considered Sheehan to be out of her mind, but, still, they're the New York Times, they'd be able to bury that truth.
So sure of their position as "purveyors of the truth" the Times even commissioned Maureen Dowd to write a piece in which any questioning of Sheehan's motives or mental state was an outrage. Dowd wrote that Sheehan's "moral authority" is "absolute."
Unfortunately for the Times (and the Dems as a whole), this was not 1985 or even 1995. The year was 2005 and the leftist media no longer held a total monopoly on information.
Thanks to Fox News, center-right talk radio and the emergence of the blogesphere, Sheehan was quickly exposed as the lunatic lefty that she was, spouting such insanities as "Louisian is occupied territory!"
Quotes from the loonie leftist played uncut and in their entirety showed her to be just a little to the left of, say, Michael Moore and Howard Dean, and just a little less well-groomed than the former and a little more hysterical than the latter.
The Dems needed to manufacture someone new...and fast.
Enter Jack Murtha -- the previously unknown backbencher. Having tried to sell the "peace mom," the Dems invented the "warrior dad" who had "come to his senses." Murtha's "moral authority" was to go unquestioned because he had done a nice job fighting in a previous war.
But, like all inventions, Murtha wasn't up to the task. He stumbled through words that were clearly written for him by others, made a fool of himself even on the most soft-ball laden leftist TV shows and quickly had to have surrogates stand in for him to say that he didn't really mean what he'd actually just said.
THE moment, though, came when, after sponsoring a bill demanding that America cut-and-run immediately from a war that most people recognize we are winning, and, after hours of listening to the usual suspects of far-leftists engaging in an unprecedented degree of lies, hate and vitriol, the Democrats went on to vote AGAINST the Murtha bill in a vote that totaled 406-3.
Even Jack Murtha voted AGAINST the Jack Murtha bill!!!
At this moment it became literally impossible for any but the willfully blind to not recognize that, not only were the Democrats (yet again) playing politics with the lives of our citizens but doing so in the most hateful way anyone had ever seen our Congress.
This was John Kerry's voting FOR the money to support our troops before he voted AGAINST it only a thousand times worse. For this wasn't just one idiot who happened to be the party's "standard bearer," this was the entire Democrat party.
That this took place in counterpoint to a speech given by the President in which he offered consistent, reasoned, mature policy in front of not braying Democrats but Americans from across the political spectrum who know the real situation in Iraq better than anyone -- our troops -- served as a perfect metaphor for the choices Americans face in their local, state and national elections.
One need not agree with every position the President takes. Lord knows I don't. But given the choice between the mature, thoughtful, respectful and consistent positions of the President -- and the support he receives from the grownups who know the truth -- versus the political game-playing, childish attacks and vitriol from the children who throw one tantrum after another (and then vote AGAINST exactly what they were saying!!!) the desired outcome is clear.
And that's why the Jack Murtha debacle -- the "I voted FOR cutting and running before I voted AGAINST cutting and running" episode -- was a turning point and a tipping point and just one more nail in the leftists' coffin.
Well, the good news is that the more the Democrats talk the more they lose. That's why I was thrilled to se Cindy Sheehan being given such free reign. The same is true of Howard Dean. And, of course, Jack Murtha. The guy can't even finish a sentence, he's clearly just desperately seeking political advantage for a party that's going down for the count.
When the head of your party is insane, and your top pro-surrender chick is insane and your elder statesman are either murderers (Ted Kennedy), Grand Kleagles of the KKK (Robert Byrd) or plagerists (Joe Biden), when your front-runner wakes up with FBI files stashed under her bed, your top foreign policy advisor crams top secret documents down his pants, your mouthpieces in the Old Media get caught using forged documents on their "news" programs, etc. you just get desperate as hell.
Expect more desperation as their surrender plans continue to become known, their lies become more and more exposed, and their poll numbers (which you'll notice the leftist media never reports but which are far, FAR lower than the President's) continue to go the way of the NY Time's circulation, viewers of the network news and subscribers to Newsweek and Time.
Boy, that sure is an easy excuse that sounds more and more like a really bad movie script. Yes, the media has an agenda. A lot of it is politically motivated, and a lot of it is slanted. But every single story against the Republicans aren't always "LIES! LIES! ALL LIES!!" You're such a hypocrite. You run your mouth about how the leftists side with terrorists and hate America, and everything they say are, "LIES! LIES! ALL LIES!!" You sound a hell of a lot more desperate than the weak-minded Democrats are. You rant about how the leftist media is one-sided and then you have the balls to praise Fox News when they fully sponsored the Republican Convention. "Fair and Balanced" my ass!! You have no idea how many of the hits you get here are people laughing at you. Maybe you should stick to standup comedy. It almost seems like you're sucking up to Rush Limbaugh because he mentioned you on his show. It would fit the pattern.
I'm sure you'll be blaming the media on the plight of Jack Abramoff. Bush and fellow Republicans are making a huge deal about giving their ill-gotten gains to charity, but that's a bunch of crap! Who are they kidding? Bush got a hell of a lot more than $6000 from Abramoff, as did the rest. THIS is where we all can scream, "LIES! LIES! ALL LIES!" and not come off as some hysterical screwball trying to hang onto any shred of integrity left in D.C.
If there's any justice left in this country, the Abramoff plea will take all of them down, from Bush to DeLay and any others, and if we're really lucky they'll take some of those leftist losers with them because they're in on it too, as are some Independants and a Socialist or two. They're all soiling their shorts in fear of the ramifications. It's going to be one glorious political bloodbath, I can't wait to see it, and if you had one microbe of genuine credibility, you'd feel the same way no matter who goes down.
By the way Ev, this may be nitpicking, but you should really stop calling Ted Kennedy a murderer. It was homicide. We all know the fact that he got off scott free because of his name and political clout (something any politician - R or D -would do as well if he could) is and always will be a travesty that makes Kennedy the biggest joke in the game. You're constant ripping of Teddy is warranted. He deserves it, but when you call him a murderer, you're coming off like the very media you rip as well.
Okay you guys. Now you can all respond with the usual venomous name-calling that's become the Conservative standard of debate.
Careful, Pete - facts are like kryptonite to most Democrats.
If you want to understandt those who still mindlessly vote for the Democrats read and re-read what Anon has written here. It is hysterical, nindless, factually wrong, etc. It hits on all of the usual leftist "talking points" ("Rush Limbaugh", "hypocrite", etc) but has NO bases in fact, reason or logic.
For another example, watch and rewatch the Letterman interview with O'Reilly. Letterman is mean, childish and completely (by his own admission) devoid of facts.
To be a Democrat today requires utter stupidity. It's why the leftists in our schools work so hard to keep children ignorant.
miamimiami said,
The funniest part about that is when a liberal loves to tell us all how stupid Bush is and then in the next sentence tell us how skillfully he plotted to steal the oil in Iraq. So which is it? Is he stupid or is he really crafty?
And then the love to tell you how much smarter folks like Gore and Kerry are than Bush. I just want to know if Bush is truly an idiot and Kerry and Gore were supposedly so much smarter than what does that make those two after he beat them?
miamimiami said,
The funniest part about that is when a liberal loves to tell us all how stupid Bush is and then in the next sentence tell us how skillfully he plotted to steal the oil in Iraq. So which is it? Is he stupid or is he really crafty?
And then the love to tell you how much smarter folks like Gore and Kerry are than Bush. I just want to know if Bush is truly an idiot and Kerry and Gore were supposedly so much smarter than what does that make those two after he beat them?
wow, it's seth swirsky's mindless, THC-addled crap all over the place...
"love is all you need" blah blah blah "all I want is instant pleasure...."
Seth Swirsky is a friend of mine with many hit songs to his writing credits and a solo album that is incredible (see my website for the way to buy it. I make eighteen cents if you do).
Seth is on Tribe.net where he (with my permission) cut and pasted one of my blog entries (Liberals Believe in Nothing).
This was the mindless response of one of the tribe members. Silly children, aren't they.
Okay Miamimiami, I'm not going to be anonymous. My name is Peter and I live in Tampa. And if you could even S-P-E-L-L S-L-O-W-L-Y you would see that I said I hope they take those lame leftists with them. I meant all of them. The Democrats bashing of Abramoff while knowing that just about every politician regardless of party was in on it is the most blatant pile of hypocrisy to come out of DC since, well, ever. Your list, while obviously time-consuming, was unnecessary.
You political extremists on either side are so full of it with your selective reading and seeing everything as "We're right and everybody's against us!" Left, right, center, who gives a crap?! You're all the same, always blaming instead of doing something about it or at least injecting a tidbit of integrity into the game.
And,Evan, you better smarten up pal, because your statements like, "hysterical, nindless, factually wrong, etc...but has NO bases in fact, reason or logic" makes some wonder if you're ill or joking. I have top ask: Are you? Is your stand-up bleeding into your brain? This blog is hilarious, accidental or not.
One more thing: Have you noticed in your archives here that opinions like mine get a LOT more response than your blatherings do? Most of your responses are from the same three or four people who frequent this place. What a f---ing joke.
By the way isn't "miamimiami" the same as "anonymous"?
He's right!! You're a bunch of hypocrites!!ALL of you stupid "Mighty Righties" completely ignored Abramoff because he's a Republican!! How about a LITTLE accountablilty?!! If Dubbya killed a little kid you'd all blame the Liberals for that, too! Peter, you're wrong about one thing: This blog isn't funny at all. It's a sad testament to the division of America. But laughing at it is a way of dealing with it.
Fred (first)
No one is ignoring Abramoff. It's just that, unlike Democrats, we actually want to know the facts and have the evidence before we speak.
As with the lefties hate-filled attacks on Karl Rove for "leaking" information about the treasonous Joe Wilson and the well-known fact that her wife worked at the CIA, only to find out that Rove had nothing to do with it, that there was never a serious crime charged and the bogus crime was quickly undermined when the highly respected journalist Bob Woodward admitted that he'd be told PRIOR to when the prosecutor said the assistant to the second to the President whose assistant is Rove first spoke of Plame's job.
It is the difference between Democrasts and Republicans. Democrats accept ANYTHING that advances their hatred for America (the insane Cindy Sheehan's moronic ramblings, Jack Murtha's incomprehendable mumblings, Sandty Burger cramming top secret documents down the front of his pants and into his socks, Dan Rather forging documents, Ted Kennedy murdering people, Bill Clinton likely raping them, Hillary spewing the most vile racial bigotry, etc. Republicans want to know the facts.
As for Peter, well, vulgar, silly, and mindless name calling might score you points with, well, Democrats (it's all the Dems have these days), it only serves to solidify the belief of the clear thinkers that the Dems have NOTHING. Sort of like the Alito hearings, a lot of slander from a bunch of bums and, in the end, another Republican victory. Keep up the good work!
Will you just LISTEN to this garbage??!
"Get off your high horse, lefty! None of your side is EVER held accountable. We couldn't remove Clinton, despite the lies to the Grand Jury, and all the other poop, because "the people elected him"! Bullstuffing! He was/is guilty as sin and NOTHING happened - wherefore is thine accountability? Don't you dare lecture the right after that calamity in the White House! Get a life!"
"My side"? Who doth complains too much, Pete? Your foolish assumption of me being a Democrat is exceeded only by "your side's" actions: Reagan and G.H.W. Bush weren't kicked out because of Iran/Contra, were they? Thank the Democrats' stupidity for that. And what about Bush's son Neil's involvement with the Savings and Loan scandal? I hear you now: "They didn't do anything wrong!" Oh, sure they didn't. As politicians they all belong in prison. Think about it: what presidential scandal is more detrimental to the American people; a slime like Clinton being unfaithful to his wife and lying about it, or an administration that sells arms to our enemies to fund an illegal war in South America, and lying about that? Maybe YOU, Pete, need to get some therapy.
"..vulgar, silly, and mindless name calling might score you points with, well, Democrats (it's all the Dems have these days)..."
"Hypocrite" is a euphemism for "Sayet-Right" Even, you you do the exact same name-calling here. But you're not alone:
"But the vitriol also reflects the fact that many of the people at (the
Republican National Convention), for all their flag-waving, hate America.
They want a controlled, monolithic society; they fear and loathe our
nation's freedom, diversity and complexity." -- Paul Krugman
Gee, Evan, isn't that what you and these measly little followers here say about the left? It shows that both sides contain the extremist fringe that take this childish viewpoint and don't give a good god damn about accountability and where the real lies are, from Bush to Kennedy, from Cheney to Clinton. To you, nonpartisanship is as real as the Easter Bunny. More the pity.
But I may as well be trying to negotiate a peace settlement between Isael and Hamas. Everybody talks, nobody listens, nothing gets done.
Here lies integrity. Rest in Pieces.
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