Saturday, October 28, 2006

Does Wolf Blitzer Want Us To Win The War?

When Lynne Cheney asked CNN's Wolf Blitzer if he wanted America to win the war against the Islamic, fascist terrorists, what Blitzer didn't get was that it was a rhetorical question. Nobody actually needed an answer. Everyone knows that, of course he doesn't. People who want to win wars don't aid and abet the enemy. Not knowingly. Not willingly. No unapologetically.

The leftist media (in fact the leftist movement in America -- which now dominates the entire Democrat party) are on the side of America's enemies. They want the terrorists to win. Remember, it was CNN's founder, Ted Turner, who recently said that he needed more time to decide if he was "with us or against us."

And it was CNN who made its name by engaging in a quid pro quo with Saddam Hussein whereby they agreed to cover-up Saddam's attrocities in exchange for person and professional favors. This is something that, belatedly, CNN has admitted to.

Recall that CNN is the ideological brethren of the New York Times, the treasonous media outlet that repeatedly provided the enemy with America's top-secret military plans on their front pages, a crime no less disgusting than if, instead of communicating with the terrorists by way of their newspaper, they sent these same secrets to the terrorists by mail.

It was good to see Mrs. Cheney stand up to our enemies.


Anonymous said...

just watched you on cspan at the improv in DC...your jokes weren't that funny (except Larry King Live) know, name calling and finger pointing is boring. get a new schtick...and a new viewpoint..intolerant chicken hawkism is dead, long live universal populism, civil liberties and democracy!

Evan Sayet said...

bootspur, I have no idea how I contradicted myself. I appreciate the effort but I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Ted Turner.

Known as a thinker.


..Anyway, I'll concede that 'anonymous' made a funny with his cheering of 'universal populism'. Seriously, how friggin' banal and generic can you get