Friday, August 26, 2005

Who Are The Democrats?

So Al Sharpton is heading to Crawford to stand hand-in-hand with Cindy Sheehan. Well, every circus needs its clown.

Besides it makes perfect sense. A guy who jump-started his own political ambitions -- and became filthy rich -- by helping to fake the rape of a child in a photo op with a raving lunatic using her own son's death for personal and political gain? Could anything better show what the Democrat party is all about?

After all this is the story of Air America, the collection of failed standup comedians who paid themselves their salaries by stealing money from needy children.

It is the story of Al Franken who calls anyone and everyone who disagrees with him a "lying liar" in a book so filled with lies that the only way he could avoid libel suits was to swear in a court of law that the book was just a collection of jokes.

This is the story of Ted Kennedy who drove off a bridge drunk and left his "female companion" to die a slow and horrible death while he spent hours sobering up and pow-wowing with his advisors on how best to keep his political ambitions alive.

And it is the story of Dan Rather who forged documents and tried to sell a mentally disturbed Democrat party partisan with multiple direct contacts to the highest level of the Kerry campaign as "an unimpeachable source" in order to "scoop" the competition and get CBS out of the basement.

It is the story of Sandy Berger, the Democrats' top foreign policy advisor, who willingly put America at risk and undermined the 9/11 commission by cramming top secret documents down the front of his pants and into his socks.

It is the story of Michael Moore, the Al Sharpton of moviedom, who lie-filled, hate-filled, anti-American propaganda movies have made him rich at the expense of both the truth and his nation. (For these lies Moore received a standing ovation from the likes of San Francisco's Nancy Pelosi and a seat of "honor" at the Democrats' national convention next to the leftist who helped create the first Islamic terror state in Iran, Jimmy Carter.)

It is the story of Ward Churchill, the plagiarist and liar who parlayed his bufoonery into tenure and financial gain and the plagiarist and liar Joe Biden.

It is the party of Bill Clinton who, for the "pleasure" of ejaculating on a twenty-one year old employee betrayed not only his country but his own wife, sending her out to be humiliated and laughed at with her ludicrous "vast rightwing conspiracy" claims and the party of Hillary Rodham Clinton who was found to have had tons of stolen FBI files in her bedroom.

This is the party of John Kerry who used a self-inflicted wound and an obscure loophole in military law to flee his duty in Vietnam only to then jumpstart his political ambitions by slandering his "band of brothers" who didn't.

This is the party of Robert "KKK" Byrd, a man who made his name and fortune as the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and the party of the ACLU which works to force young Boy Scouts to go on long trips into the woods with only homosexuals as their guides.

This is the party of the AFL-CIO whose thugocracy steals the money of its hard working members and redirects it into the coffers of extremist Democrats.

This is the party of CNN who engaged in a decade long quid pro quo with Saddam Hussein trading the networks' promise to coverup Saddam's atrocities in exchange for personal and political favors.

This is the party of the trial lawyers who will say and do anything to get their clients off -- free to rape and murder again so long as they can double and triple bill and get a few minutes on TV.

This is the party that could not find a single person they believed better qualified to be the face of the Democrats than Howard "Yeee-ha" Dean, a mentally instable ranting lunatic who "hates Republicans" and demands that they be put in jail without even charges being filed (much less a trial) but who is "reserving judgment" on Osama Bin Ladin.

So Al Sharpton is running to Crawford to stand arm-in-arm with Cindy Sheehan for a photo op? Could there possibly be any more accurate snapshot of today's Democrat party?


Pancho said...

Well said......I think you about covered it all!

Roberto Iza Valdés said...
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