Friday, April 27, 2007

My Rosie RANT

First, Rosie O'Donnell was not fired. Rosie felt that with her hateful, anti-American rants she should be free to sell her lies to NBC or CBS if they offer her more next year. ABC wanted to lock her anti-American lies in for three years. In other words, ABC wanted to reward her for her vile and moronic anti-American statesments and Rosie felt her vile and moronic anti-American statements were worth more.

Okay...let me explain. I do not call people names. These are words that I chose carefully and her claims, for example, that America blew up buildings in the World Trade Center complex are not only moronic -- she basis her claim on the "fact" that "never before in history has fire melted metal. How does she think metal is shaped? Does she think there are "car mines" where cars are dug out of the ground fully formed? Has she never seen a smelter or molten metals being poured into molds? Is she truly that stupid or is she intentionally lying in order to promote a vicious slander against America? Those are the only two possibilities.

So why does Barbara Walters continue to employ her? Why does ABC allow this? Money? Don't you think Rush Limbaugh would bring in a good deal of money with a similar show? Wouldn't the show do better if it had intelligent conservatives watching and not just angry, New York City single women? No, it's not money.

It's because truth means nothing to the left. Nothing. So when Peter Jennings died the same Barbara Walters who allows these anti-American lies to be spread by an upside-down, hanging angry women incapable of maintaining a normal relationship with the opposite sex who pops pills because never having worked for a living, her millions of dollars leave her so depressed she has to pop pills is considered, lauded her deceased colleague by saying "what made Peter great was that he knew there was no such thing as the truth."

To Barbara Walters Rosie and her friend Peter are one and the same. People to whom truth is meaningless.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Diversity Means Only Different

"Diversity" means "different." That's all it means. Why in the world would I celebrate "different." Mass murderers (thank God) are "different." Democrats celebrate mass murderers. Whether they are Che Gueverra or Tookie Williams, the Democrat adores the mass murderer.

Drug addicts are "different." The Democrats adore drug addicts. In fact, the reason they so hated Rudolph Giuliani in New York -- called him "Hitler," of course -- was because he wouldn't allow the drug-addicted prostitutes to continue to mug people in Times Square.

Sexual perversions are "different." Democrats promote sexual perversion at every turn -- with Robert Redford choosing a movie about a man who was having sexual relations with his horse to be honored with a slot at "The Sundance Film Festival."

You see, when mere "differentness" is the criteria for celebration, a good society that which is "different" is going to be bad. In a society that respects others, disrespect is "different." In a society where literacy is the norm, "ebonics" is what becomes the stuff of "celebration."

I'm am not an illiteracy-ophobe, or a sexual perversion-a-phobe or a mass-murderer-a-phobe. I just know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil and the behaviors that I want celebrated so that my children recognize that what is being honored is good, not just different.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


I promise I'll be getting back to regular blogging soon. It's just that, well, with the book, I have a deadline of this coming week. So, please keep checking in. I'll have something new soon (and often).


Friday, April 13, 2007

Imus and the Perfect Storm

Things weren’t looking good for the hate-America-always crowd. The fake charges against three rich, white men – the three forces of evil according to the powers in the Democratic Party -- at Duke University were rapidly falling apart.

This was both devastating and confusing to the movement. What they’d hoped would be the perfect storm of American evil was exposing their efforts as the evil itself. Bigoted misogynists, rendered safe by both their wealth and location in the hateful South, brutally and cynically savaged an innocent, young black student who, for no other reason than the fact that she had the bad luck to be born black in America, had to dance for her white “owners.”

That was the story they hoped to sell and, given that, with their control of the media they’d been able to sell it – or something like it – repeatedly in the past, they had little reason to doubt their coming success.

All the pieces were rapidly put into place. No need for evidence or deliberation, the universities professors would – en masse – write a letter demanding the guilty men be punished immediately. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would pack up their carpetbags, hold their news conferences and, well, with just a little help from the press, Sharpton could parley this fake rape the way he parleyed another into personal riches and “honor” some twenty years ago.

Even the setting could not be more perfect as the fact that these horrors were committed in the South would render moot all that talk about progress in race relations. America was a bigoted, evil, horrible place where, as Joe Biden pronounced on the floor of the United States Senate “racism lurks in every dark shadow.”

The fact that the children came from successful families made it even that much more delicious for it “proved” another of the Democratic Party’s leader’s claims of “two Americas” where if one was rich one was free of concern, with the system working always on their behalf, but the poor, well, they had no options. John Edwards’ (yes, the multi-gazilionaire John Edwards’) campaign slogan of “two Americas” was proving true.

The South was perfect, in fact, for it provided the hate-America-always crowd with a win-win scenario where conviction proved that America is evil, hateful, racists, misogynist and all of the other claims of the special interest groups and the politicians they own in the Democratic Party while exoneration would even further prove it as, clearly, the “good ole boy” network still sees rich, white boys to go unpunished for their “crimes.”

Only this wasn’t the 1980’s. The leftists’ monopoly in the media had been shattered by Fox News, center-right talk radio and the blogesphere that allowed the people to get past the gatekeepers in their New York City studios. The “perfect storm” was turning into a perfect disaster.

The letters written by the college professors demanding the “lynching” of three innocent white men – a conceit they felt needed no fact or evidence behind it because, as “college professors” they were superior in all ways to the common folk – proved not only their lack of expertise (not to mention decency and honor) but worked to prove what others had long been saying about the true agenda of the leftists at America’s universities.

Meanwhile, other claims of the hate-America-always crowd began to unravel one-by-one as well. Far from being a poor victim of evil America where a black woman has no hope, the lying stripper was enrolled in a taxpayer-supported university where an education was in the offing, a position likely achieved through nothing other than an affirmative action program that saw some better qualified white student denied admission to make up for some supposed past sin.

And, while the woman on whom the hate-America-always crowd had gambled so much was wasting the opportunities provided to her by the America they sought to attack, the evil “rich, white boys” were not resting on their (or their parents’ laurels) but rather making the most of every opportunity their good fortune had afforded them.

Clearly outstanding students to be admitted to Duke University in the first place, in addition to maintaining their grades at such a competitive and once-great university, they pushed themselves physically to become amongst the world’s best athletes at a demanding and difficult sport.

It didn’t help the hate-America-always crowd that their spokesmen were the twin conmen Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, proving that the race card had been played so many times the hate-America-always folks were down to their last two jokers.

Even the win-win situation the leftists thought they’d created by holding this farce in the South proved to be disastrous for the hate-America-always folks. What the hate-America-always crowd thought for sure would “prove” that no progress had been made since the days of Jim Crowe only served to prove that justice was equally disserved by blatantly racist attacks against innocent whites and that clearly the leftists had taken their campaign against America too far.

If anymore proof were needed of the hate-America-always crowd’s real intentions, take note that at Rosie O’Donnell’s “The View,” they continue to attack the victims of the leftists’ efforts, by slandering the Duke players.

Enter Don Imus.

As I said, things weren’t looking good for the hate-America-always crowd. What they’d counted on to be the perfect storm to prove all of their allegation against America turned into a disaster. They needed some rich, white guy and quick!

And Imus is a dead man. Why? Not because of what he said – please, the hate-America-always crowd chose the vicious, vile, misogynistic “It’s Hard Out Here For A Pimp” as the best song of 2006. Besides, don’t the lefties always tell us that entertainers have no effect on the people and that’s why it’s okay to sell hateful and vulgar records to children?

No, Imus is a dead man because truth plays no part in the agenda of the hate-America-always crowd – and the fact that Imus is one of them will not save him either. Having exposed themselves and their agenda so clearly and disastrously in the South, they are going to have to turn Imus’ stupid words into the new Holocaust just to try and regain some of the ground they lost.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Peter Jennings and Chris Matthews

To understand the mindset of the Modern Liberal and why it is he will invariably and inevitably side with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success, let’s take the beliefs of two of the top leftist “journalists” of recent times.

When Peter Jennings, not long ago one of only three monolithic New York City newsmen charged with informing the public about the goings on around the globe, died recently, his colleague, Barbara Walters could think of no better way to eulogize him than to say “what made Peter great was that he knew there was no such thing as the truth.”

This, of course, leaves one to wonder just what, exactly, Jennings was reporting every night. If, as his colleague of thirty years claims, he didn’t believe truth existed, what was the criterion he employed in choosing the stories he would report and the way in which he would spin them?

The answer is that, since Jennings’ job is to report the truth – and, to him, the truth is that there is no such thing as the truth – Jennings’ sole job is to manipulate the evidence in his reports to undermine the beliefs of others by championing those things society recognizes as evil, wrong and failed and by tearing down that which the people recognize as good, right and successful.

This, of course, sees the Modern Liberal like Jennings (and Walters, apparently, since she thought not believing in the truth was the single quality that made her friend “great”) manipulate the evidence – Michael Moore it, if you will – for no other purpose than to disabuse others of their belief in the truth.

Since the vast majority of Americans believe America to be good, then, it becomes the very job of people like Jennings to “prove” that that belief isn’t founded in truth by focusing only on the misdeeds, the short-comings and the set-backs America and Americans suffer. Similarly, since most Americans believe that the word of Jesus Christ is the truth, Jennings’ job is nothing other than to cherry-pick, spin and manipulate the evidence – to do whatever is necessary to do his job well – to “prove” that this belief is misguided.

Since “there’s no such thing as the truth,” then, Jennings (et al) are not rooted to fact and evidence, and lying does not bother them one bit. After all, in a world where there is no truth, what is a “lie,” anyway?

Consider a speech given recently by leftist newsman Chris Matthews of the TV show “Hardball,” to the children at the University of Toronto. Being a Modern Liberal Matthews began his talk by telling the children that the Islamic fascists “aren’t evil” (they simply have “another way of looking at things.”)

But Matthews has a problem, assuming he has the slightest bit of human decency and recognizes that the cold-blooded mass murder of innocent people – be they the thousands on 9/11 or the children in kindergartens in Russia and Israel – is an evil act, how does he gibe his two positions? How does he explain people who “aren’t evil,” committing such heinous crimes in so many places around the globe?

The answer is that Matthews has to – simply has to – find, invent and distort any and all wrongs done to the murderers for, while cold-blooded mass murder is evil, “justifiable homicide” isn’t even a crime. In fact, justifiable homicide might even be considered an act of heroism in just the way so many on the left consider the terrorists to be heroes and “freedom fighters.”

Yet it is not enough for Mathews to simply fabricate or exaggerate misdeeds America or Americans may have done, just as it is not enough to justify shooting someone simply because they broke into your home. If the burglar is stealing your stereo and running out the door and you shoot him, you have committed a crime. The only way for this not to be a crime is if the criminal is attacking you or your children, raping your wife, or strangling your mother.

Thus, in order to justify the violence of the Arab/Islamic world, the Modern Liberal like Matthews cannot simply point to minor misdeeds or wrongs America or Americans may have committed, but he needs to then exaggerate those wrongs to the point where they equal the evil visited upon the innocent.

Thus Ward Churchill, another powerful Modern Liberal, had no choice – simply no choice – but to call the innocent victims of 9/11 all “little Eichmanns,” for, since the terrorists had created a miniature holocaust (lower case “h” as in an all-encompassing and hellish fire), the only way the Modern Liberal could justify these murders and “prove” the terrorists “aren’t evil,” is by calling the victims miniature Eichmanns.

When Chris Matthews, then, or Peter Jennings or Barbara Walters and the rest of the leftist news media portray America as the ultimate in evil it is specifically because we are the greatest of good. These evils need to be invented and exaggerated merely to justify the vicious and evil attacks which the Modern Liberal has already decided – the day they entered kindergarten – cannot be the work of evil people.

This is exactly the same dynamic behind the Modern Liberals hatred of Israel. The Democrats have no choice but to call Israel “Nazis” not because they are but because the Arabs are. The Arabs/Moslems supported Hitler in World War II and after the war Nazis fled to Egypt and Syria and throughout the Arab world where they knew they’d be welcomed and feel at home.

The Nazis taught the Arabs/Moslems the “tricks” they now use against the Jews of Israel – not least of which is the messages taught to the “youth,” and the Nazi-style propaganda techniques employed in the government controlled Arab press. In order to justify the Nazi tactics employed by the Arabs and the Moslems, then, the Modern Liberal has no choice but to not only invent “wrongs” committed by the victims in Israel, but to elevate those wrongs to exactly the level of the evil that the Modern Liberal invariably and inevitably champions.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Heritage Foundation Talk Transcript

Many people are asking for a transcript of my talk. That's being handled by the Heritage Foundation. They can be reached at I'll try to get a name for all of you later today.



Heritage Foundation Talk Transcript

Many people are asking for a transcript of my talk. That's being handled by the Heritage Foundation. They can be reached at I'll try to get a name for all of you later today.



New Post on FRIDAY

Hi All,

The response to my talk at the Heritage Foundation has seen me on the radio and TV and responding to written requests...thanks for all of the support and praise!!!

My next post here will be THIS FRIDAY. Please come back and please let others know about my talk, available at and my website at
