Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Dems are Done

I have never been a fan of schadenfreude. If only because of how German it sounds. But I am only human and I can't help taking pleasure -- feeling downright gleeful -- as I watch the evil bastards in the Democratic Party fall to their doom.

I hate to admit it but it was terrific to see the corrupt liars at CBS end their careers of deception being caught and laughed at. I have to chuckle every time I see CNN's ratings having taken yet another nosedive knowing that just a few years back they were getting away with a decades long lies such as their defrauding of the public in a quid pro quo with Saddam Hussein. Bill Moyers gone. Well that's not such a biggie. Who ever listened to that fool, anyway? Michael Kinsley? Gone. Phil Donahue? Gone.

I gotta admit, even though it's my hometown, I am overjoyed to see Hollywood mired in the worst slump in its history with the very viability of the industry in question. After all, these are people who spent their entire careers trying to corrupt our children with notions like teenage sex is cool and without cost and that the only losers in the world are Republicans and fifteen year old virgins.

You gotta get a kick out of the AFL-CIO, the thugocracy that was stealing its members money and redirecting it to the coffers of socialists and multicultualists in the Democratic Party, breaking apart. People like Dick Durbin who compares American soldiers to Nazis and Robert "KKK" Byrd who is, at once, suffering from dementia and the most sane of the Democrats might now actually have to raise some funds themselves.

Perhaps the most fun I have is watching the Democrats in utter desperation making such asses of themselves. Teddy Kennedy, probably so stoned that he thinks it IS 1972 continues to lie as if the Old Media is still a monopoly and his lies won't be easily detected.

I just smile and shake my head that the Democrats get together and ask themselves "who is the best Democrat in the whole world? Who, more than anyone else, represents our beliefs and our values?" and the answer is Howard "Yeeeeee-ha" Dean.

Folks, this is a blast. This is a ball. What a great time to be an American because we're taking America back and the best the lefties have to fight us is to call our soldiers "Nazis."

The Democrats have survived with their failed and anti-American policies based only on the money stolen from union members, the cover-up conducted by the forged document using media and the propaganda of Hollywood. Without these things the Dems are done for. And THAT'S got to make every real American happy.


Alva Goldbook said...

I, too, am gleeful. The Democratic Party is getting a much needed kick in the pants from a new leader who says what he means and means what he says. The Democrats are doing the hard work to organize the South, and have broken all previous records for collecting the cash needed to do it. The split in the AFL-CIO has given labor a renewed focus with the Working to Win coalition doing the hard work needed to organize workers, while bringing in several more big unions. Competition is a wonderful thing, isn’t it Evan?

Meanwhile, Air America Radio continues to grow. Every Republican hack and his brother predicted that AAR would now be off the air. Instead they continue to grow. Similarly, several new liberal talk shows have seen dramatic success such as Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, and your friend in mind, Thom Hartmann. The overwhelming success of Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 has opened up a door for numerous other film makers to make their own documentaries such as Morgan Spurlock’s Super Size Me and Robert Greenwald’s Outfoxed.

Meanwhile, things aren’t going quite as well over at FNC. Since the election, FNC’s ratings have dropped by 58%. The approval ratings of the squatter in the White House is now below 50% among Republicans. Approval of the Republican Congress is in the low 30%. Things have gotten so bad for the right-wing nut jobs that the Senate Majority leader Bill Frist was forced to flip-flop on stem cell research.

With the Iraq War becoming increasingly unpopular, the economy putting along with zero growth, with both US jobs and the Fed bleeding red, the only hope to protect Bush from impeachment in 2007 is to make sure those Republican owned voting machines do exactly what they have programmed them to do. Better get to work on the hacking.

Anonymous said...

AG: "Meanwhile, Air America Radio continues to grow." with stolen money from the poor?
"Did Al Franken's liberal radio network Air America divert city money for the elderly and inner-city children to itself?...In late June, city officials designated the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club, a nonprofit organization that runs mentoring programs for children and day care for Alzheimer's patients, a "non-responsible city contractor." Investigators found "significant inappropriate transactions and falsified documents that were submitted to various City agencies." The city subsequently suspended the club's contracts, which run well into the millions.
...It turns out, according to sources quoted anonymously by the Bronx News, that the mishandled money went to Air America...Air America is struggling to find listeners, leaders and reliable funding. But should it take money from children and the ailing elderly?" http://www.washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20050728-081354-1414r.htm

Evan Sayet said...

Okay, now let's get real, Alva.

You are SUCH a leftist. The idea that it doesn't matter what someone says as long as the "say what they mean and mean what the say..." hey, I guess that makes Osama Bin Ladin next in line, I mean the guy says what he means and means what he says!!!

Dean is a putz. He says stupid things and he lies. He tried to spread false rumors about 9/11 during the campaign, his bigoted remarks about people of faith and the good folks of the south would upset you if it had been said about anyone other than (what Dean in his insanity believes to be ) white christians.

He's offended the black community with his moronities, etc. But, hey, spin and denial and all the lefties have left.

So the breaking apart of the most powerful union group which had been the single biggest donor (of stolen money) to the Democrats is a GOOD thing for the Democrats? Okay.

And Air America's "success" is not in ratings. They are dying all over the country. They have simply benefited from two things...one, a glut of available space (e.g. all those sat. services that need to fill up channels and the theft of money from Boys and Girls clubs.

Michael Moore's movie has "opened doors" -- a year plus since the pack of lies and all you can mention are two failed little, bogus, nothing movies that only you, I and the makers have heard of? Is that really the best you can do.

Alva, you can give me all your wishful thinking and your "spaceship behind the hale bopp comet" logic you want. Bottomline? Fox going up, CNN plummeting. Passion of the Christ the biggest movie of the year, Hollywood crap in an historic slump. AFL-CIO? Breaking apart.

Fox's number down by 58 percent? er, not quite. But I notice you don't mention the COMPARATIVE ratings between the moribund Communist News Network. Of course ratings go down after the end of a huge news cycle. Is THAT what you're hanging your hat on?

Alva, come on, look, it's one thing to put moronic spin on something that can't be proven. But why would you say we're at "zero growth" when our growth is extremely strong. I believe it's over four percent.

You see, A, you hate George Bush so you really don't care what the economy is like, you'll just SAY it's zero growth. You're never going to be an intelligent person so long as facts mean nothing to you.

Evan Sayet said...

miami -

It's not just the fools who are running it. What the leftist elite has done is create a generatino of children -- many now grown -- who are simply incapable of rational thought. They start with their conclusion (America evil, George Bush evil) and then cherry-pick, spin and invent whatever is needed to uphold their preordained and locked in stone conclusion.

So the growth rate is zero. The economy is BOOMING. But actually employing the facts undermines their preordained conclusion so they just make it up. It's the Micahel Moore syndrome. If Moore was gonig to prove that America and Bush are evil no matter what. when he couldn't do it with facts he simply made a lie-filled propaganda move (which, of course, got a standing ovation from the Demcoratic Party leadership which also cares nothing about truth and facts. So long as Moore attacked America any lie would do).

I explain why the Democrats "think" the way they do in my lecture "Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals 'Think'" and it is a truly twisted and Orwewllian concept where they believe they can create a utopia by tearing down all that is good, right and successful and elevating all that is evil, wrong and failed. They're good people many of them, they're just brainwashed into a cult of mindlessness that sides ALWAYS with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success.

Evan Sayet said...

JB --

This is because they are taught in our schools that there are only two possibilities: either you agree with them or you're a racist (or a homophobe or a xenophobe, etc).

this is why democrats don't just disagree with us but rather HATE us. This is why Bush is HITLER. etc.

By teaching children that anyone who disagrees with leftism is a "bigot" there is no reason for the leftist to ever actually have to think through the merits of their party's policies nor consider the merits of anyone else's. Who cares if Hitler's social security plan is better, I wouldn't vote for Hitler no matter what!!!

It also allows them to continue to be out and out liars and feel that they're working for some "bigger truth" with their lies. Thus Michael Moore deserves a standing ovation for a movie that everyone knows was a pack of lies for his "moral courage" in being such a liar.

It's a sick, warped philsophy that must be removed from all vestiges of power. Fortunately more and more people recognize this -- including old school Democrats like Zell Miller, Tammy Bruce, Ed Koch, Bernard Goldberg, etc.

Alva Goldbook said...

Yes, I’m a leftist. So was George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Thomas Paine, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. So?

Isn’t that what you folks have been saying about Bush? He says what he means and means what he says? My favorite talking point is that “Bush ignores polls, and you know where he stands.” English translation: he may be your “elected” representative, but he gives two chits about what you think. The flaw in that logic is Bush is the biggest flip-flopper to come along in quite some time. The difference with Dean is that he is saying what 50% of America has been thinking for the last 12 years.

Dean says what stupid things? Deans lies about what? What false 9/11 rumors? Did Dean make bigoted remarks of the GOP, or was he accurate? Let’s do the MATH Evan. Out of 3,643 total Republicans in state legislatures across the country a grand total of 44 of them are minorities (a WHOPPING 1.2%). At the federal level, out of a total 274 Republicans serving in the Congress and the Senate exactly FIVE are minorities. And in Texas, with a 47% minority population, there are 106 Republicans in its state legislature. How many black and Hispanic Republicans serve in that body? Exactly ZERO. Gee, a real diverse party you got there Evan. Almost as diverse as say…the Klan.

Which brings me to another point. Exactly, WHEN was it that you people came up with the concept of “Christian conservatives”? Did you come up with that OXYMORON right after you came up with “jumbo shrimp” and “the cordless extension cord”?

Since you ignore union activity Evan, I’ll bring you up to speed. The AFL-CIO’s leadership has become too complacent. The Working to Win coalition is a genuine progressive union that has their focus on labor organizing. A SECOND major union coalition is an absolute victory for labor, as it will increase their ranks exponentially. The resulting competition will force both unions to address the needs of the rank and file.

Air America is dying all over the country? Is that why they have just acquired 3 more stations? AAR started out with just 2 stations. Since then they have grown more than 300% in barely more than a year. If that’s not success, then what is?

Again, Evan, if Moore’s move is “a pack of lies” PROVE IT, or stop blithering conjecture. I’m sure Super Size Me was a complete failure. Such a failure that FOX gave the film maker HIS OWN TV SHOW. Outfoxed as well as such a dismal failure that it went to number one on Amazon for an extended period of time, spawned thousands of articles, a book, and repeated requests for C-Span to air the movie, and interviews with the film maker from Jordan to Japan. Additionally, every major retail outlet in the country stocked it on their shelves, with the sole exception of (you guessed it) Wal-Mart. Greenwalt’s next film, to be released in November will be on the labor conditions at Wal-Mart. About damn time.

What does The Passion’s popularity have to do with FOX? For that matter, what did Christ have to do with “conservative values”? Well, Jesus was led into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights and offered every kingdom of the world, and conservatives would like to rule every kingdom of the world…but of course, it wasn’t just anyone that gave Jesus that offer. It was Satan.

Fox’s prime time numbers are indeed down by 58%. And WHAT comparative ratings between CNN? Do you mean CNN’s cume ratings, which are blowing FOX out of the water? The reality is that viewers tune into Fox for right-wing blithering, while people tune into CNN for NEWS.

Question Evan. Say you have two bank accounts. You take a hundred bucks out of one bank account and put it into another. Did you get 100 bucks richer? That’s basically what is producing our economic numbers, of course on a multi-billion dollar scale. The reality is the economy is putting along so slowly, that it cannot even keep up with the number of new workers entering the market.

Incorrect, as a good Christian, I do not hate anyone, and that includes the squatter in the White House.

EPorvaznik said...

Yo, Alva, check this out if'n you wanna get the truth about Michael Moore. Yeah, yeah, truth's a bitch to most of the people in your neck of the political landscape (I, like Evan, abandoned the Dem's, I once I realized they peddled victimization over the Kennedy model Dem as which I was raised): http://www.moorelies.com/ .

Ya may also wanna snag "Michael Moore Is a Big Fat Stupid White Man" from your local library (hey, it's free!). Exposes his MO from his first day in the working world. Great stuff!

Evan Sayet said...


You make a big mistake in thinking that our Founding Fathers were "leftists." No, they were liberals -- with a lower case "l" -- and your values are certainly not ones they shared.

Just because leftists have coopted the word "Liberal" no more makes them liberal than that the communist Soviet repubics often had the wod "Democratic" in their names made them democratic.

Modern Liberalism has nothing to do with true liberal values. In fact it could not possibly be more ILLIBERAL (just as the gulag-filled soviet republics couldn't have been more undemocratic).

I can't help but laugh at how utterly incapable of seeing logic is the MODERN liberal. Alva, don't you get it. It's not that Howard Dean "says what he means and means what he says" that should impress you. It's that what he says is moronic and if he actually means it then I'm not sure that's not even MORE frightening.

As for your bigoted line about "Christian conservative" and "jumbo shrimp" Just meaningless. Childish.

Moore's movie has been debunked over and over again. And you know it, too. So now you're joining the pack of liars. A, it's really a bad ideology when you have to say something you know is untrue to support it. It's a bad ideology when the best you can do is make a lame "jumbo shrimp" joke as your big point. It's a bad ideology when the best you can do is defend a nut like Howard "yeeeee-ha" Dean by saying "well, at least he believes the moronic things he says. I like that in a man."

Anonymous said...

Dean says what stupid things?- Alva

"The president and his right-wing Supreme Court think it is 'okay' to have the government take your house if they feel like putting a hotel where your house is," Howard Dean, in reference to Kelo vs. New London . The justices making up the "right wing" decision? Ginsburg, Souter, Breyer, Kennedy, Stevens, card carrying right wingers all!

Alva Goldbook said...

I’m well aware of Dave Kopel. I’ve read some of his stuff, and seen Fahrenhype, but I’m sorry it was absolutely horrible. You might want to check out FahrenCRAP 9/11.

Alva Goldbook said...

This isn’t the first time you have suggested that modern liberalism is the “opposite” of classical liberalism. To date, you still have offered nothing to prove your point. As that old Talking Heads song goes, “I’m still waiting…”

I agree that the People’s Democratic Republic of China is not a democratic republic, just as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was not a union of republics, but I have to disagree that they were communist. Anyone who idly skims through Das Kapital would come to the same conclusion.

Again Evan, if you’re going to claim that Moore’s movie is “a pack of lies”, then PROVE IT, or admit you’re wrong.

I’ll ask the question. Find me a single quote of Jesus of Nazareth that reflects conservative values. Perhaps it was when He said, “If you wish to be perfect, go, and give all you have to the poor”? Or perhaps, “It is easier for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God”? Or maybe, “You cannot serve both God and Mammon”? If you don’t know Mammon is money.

I know! I got it! Perhaps Jesus was being a radical conservative when he said, “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they are the CHILDREN OF GOD.”

Alva Goldbook said...

If you had been paying attention, you would know that the break with the AFL-CIO was over a disagreement on how best to organize workers. The AFL-CIO position was to split their funds between political contributions and labor organizing. The Work to Win coalition sees the situation as more dire, and want to put almost all their funds into organizing laborers. It has nothing to do with “Sweeny being a nose breathing socialist”, although some are upset that Sweeny has run for another term, and would prefer some new blood at the head of the organization.

Alva Goldbook said...

To date, I have found nothing in the Gospel that suggests Jesus’ politics were anything other than RADICAL LIBERALISM. Case in point, The Judgment of Nations, Matthew 25:31-46, from which I’ll quote, although I will edit it a bit, without changing the meaning, so I don’t take up the whole page:

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory (i.e. when Jesus returns) , …he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king (Jesus) will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me’…

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me NO FOOD, I was thirsty and you gave me NO DRINK, a stranger and you gave me NO WELCOME, naked and you gave me NO CLOTHING, ill and in prison, and YOU DID NOT CARE FOR ME.’

Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’

And He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you DID NOT do for the LEAST OF MY BROTHERS, you DID NOT DO FOR ME.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

In other words, Miami, get to work on doing the LIBERAL thing and help those less fortunate than you, or prepare yourself for Gehenna where they will be “wailing and the grinding of teeth”.

And for the record, Miami, Michael Moore is a DEVOUT Catholic.

Evan Sayet said...

Alva, do the legwork and find out the truth. The organizers of the break up (Hoffa and I forget the other man's name right now) SPECIFICALLY talked about the reasons for the break away and SPECIFICALLY mentioned the stealing of members dues to help Democratic party candidates instead of helping organize workers and recruit new members. A, if truth matters to you do the work.

As for Jesus being a radical liberal he was no such thing. He set standards and demanded they be met (remember the money changers in the temple?). Modern Liberalism is about the elimination of standards. It's about promoting children who fail for "social" reasons and removing the merit from the merit scholarship programs. It's about saying NOTHING is so good as to go to war to protect it and nothing is so evil as to go to war to prevent its spread. War is not the answer because nothing is of value to the Modern Liberal.

Is it really possible in your mind that Jesus would have demanded that the cross be removed from all public sight EXCEPT if it has shit and piss on it and then it should not only be in our musuems but must be paid for by the people?

Did Jesus really want people who disagree to lie, cheat and steal to defeat their "enemies" the way John Kerry lies, Michael Moore cheats and Sandy Berger steals?

You see, A, you are clinging (desperately at times) to the IMAGE of what you think the Democrats are but you are utterly unwilling to look at what they REALLY do.

Anonymous said...

New York says, Alva Goldbook you are magnificent.

You are a well informed commentator here on this sight. It was to say the least, packed with facts. Facts that simply can not be denied.

It doesn't surprise me that no one has responded back to you, with all of your comments. It's hard to argue with the truth. But, it's even harder to argue with those scriptures you laid out in your comments.

I mean, who wants to argue with Jesus. He specifically laid forth his feelings, and let those who chose to basically live selfish lives, who go out of their way to hurt others, who disobey his teachings, that they would go to HELL.

I mean try arguing with Jesus over the simple, common sense of things on how to live like him.

Be kind, be generous, be understanding, be caring, be compassionate, the list goes on.

In Jesus's eyes there is no debate on the matter. Just do as I say, or I'll throw you into the bowles of HELL. Unless you repent!

You can only forgive someone who says, "I'm sorry". And, until they do it's a sign of arrogance. And, we know how much Jesus dislikes arrogance. Just look back at the Temple he dismantled.

Again, great commentary here from you. Loved it, got it, understand it. Don't expect any responses from the other side. In fact they've probably been reading the bible, trying to find scriptures that contradict the one's you pointed out in this response of your's.

You go Alva. Looking forward to reading some more from you.

From a no good for nothing liberal from New York, who's got Jesus on my side. And, that's all that matters to me.

Take care and GOD BLESS!

Alva Goldbook said...

I’m well aware of current labor news. The best online source I’ve found is at Labor Radio. Like I said, there is a difference of opinion on how best to organize workers. Both groups agree with the goal, there’s just a difference of opinion on how to get there. The AFL-CIO believes that if unions temporarily abandon political parties then the labor situation will significantly worsen. The Work to Win coalition believes that things will continue to worsen unless they immediately increase their ranks. I tend to agree with the Work To Win coalition personally, and the Dean model for internet political fundraising allows for the PEOPLE to directly contribute to the parties and candidates of their choosing. At the end of the day, this is a MAJOR boost for labor, as it provides for a second major labor federation in the United States, a much needed development. Unfortunately, the United States has been significantly backwards from other industrialized nations and even in parts of the third world on our labor policies. US laborers have less paid holidays, work longer hours, see less benefits, and is the only nation in the industrialized world without an universal health care system. The result is our very high infant mortality rates, poverty rates, and a reduced life expectancy. Labor has begun to wake up, just as they did in the 1930’s, and in the next several years you will see the pendulum swing the opposite way.

Yes Evan, I remember Jesus saying that his house of prayer had been turned into a den of thieves. Sounds like a rant against CAPITALISM, wouldn’t you say? Liberalism is about the elimination of standards? Such as eliminating the standards on energy companies that led to the Enron disaster? Or the elimination of standards on media conglomerates so Clear Channel can gobble up more radio stations and send their resources to the Bush/Cheney campaign? Oh, you mean that those nasty liberals actually see a rational reason to help certain minorities succeed after being enslaved for 500 years, and spend the rest of the time as 2nd class citizens until about…1974. A conservative sees no problem kicking the teeth in of an innocent for 500 years, and then says of those who help pick up his corpse off the ground that they are about “the elimination of standards”. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “True COMPASSION is more than just flipping a coin to a beggar. It is to accept that a system that produces beggars IS NOT JUST.” Or perhaps the “modern liberal” values nothing, as you suggest. If this was the case, then the “modern liberal” would not BOTHER to speak out on ANYTHING the neo-conservative FASCIST does. In other words, if you “analysis” of the “modern liberal” was correct they would not oppose the Bush administration, rather they would ignore him. Instead the “modern liberal” will stand in line for 9 hours just to vote Bush out of office.

You see Evan, the canard you get into is that you are completely incapable of seeing that there are people who have values and morals that differ from your own. Just because they differ does not mean they are without morals and values. If you wish to understand liberal values, all you need to do is read the Gospel.

When has ANY liberal ever wanted the cross be removed from all public sight? Rather liberals would prefer that church does not interfere with the state, in order for the state not to interfere with the church. You mix the two and you get the Talliban. Apparently, you also are fairly incapable of understanding art. As a stand up comedian, this is a bit disturbing. My interruption of the piece you’re talking about is that “Christianity is surrounded by the impure”. Which sounds extremely accurate considering the “Christian” GOP does not worship The Lord, but money, does not love thy neighbor, but bombs them, does not turn the other cheek, but outs their wife.

Anonymous said...


I sat and listened to your 4 1/2 minutes of that ridiculous show you put on in Hollywoood's Ramada Inn.

I was trying to figure out where in Hollywood that place was. It had to be in some red neck town out there.

Here's a piece of advice for you. Get in touch with Bill Mayer. Get some talking points from him, to learn how to rouse your audience, and multiply them as well.

Aren't you almost sorry you abandoned your party. Republicans are so boring. Liberals love to laugh and have fun. We are serious, critical thinkers when it is necessary to be. Otherwise, we know how to live a normal life.

Think of the crowds of people that would show up for you, if you came from the dark side of life to the bright side of life.

I'm serious, we liberals do not get upset on an average, until we recognize that a whole group of people are going to be affected by certain decisions that are being made by our gov't officials.

Such as that damn war in Iraq. That damn healthcare crisis. That damn social security problem. That damn energy bill. That damn environment problem. That damn family that just doesn't have enough money to feed their family. Need I go on.

I tell you, that's the only time you'll hear from us. I know, we can be annoying. But, we just can't help ourselves.

You talk about utopia, and how us liberals think about it. Utopia means: An impractical scheme for social improvement. That would be what George Bush had in mind when he invaded Iraq. An impractical scheme, by believing he could bring change to that country.

He suffered from a misplaced ideal of perfection, that would bring in a new law order, a new gov't for all of the people, and of course new social conditions.

We get it! You don't! We understand that 10,000 yrs of the same kind of history is probably never going to change, in certain places around the world. And, that my friend, may be what we are facing in Iraq.

We are at least rational in thinking that way. Forced change, does not work. Willing change does. Are those people in Iraq, willing to compromise?

10,000 yrs of the same history, is a good sign a good indicator for many of us, who are rational thinking people. That the Iraqis will ever really compromise. Oh! Don't get me wrong. I pray for success. But, my optimism reflects some caution here.

I understand that since the screw was invented, you can only screw to the right to screw something. To untighten it you must screw to the left. That process hasn't changed and I kind of doubt it will.

Which means there are certain things that can be changed and other things that are better off left alone, for no change. That would be the screw. Since 1908 the screw was invented to work that way. If anyone were to try and change that now, it would screw things up. For millions and millions of people.

Which is what Mr. Bush did. Screwed things up. That's what he did and what you are doing when you spew the venom that you do.

When you suggest that we who oppose, are not patriotic. You are dead wrong! And, you want to know what is it that the liberals really want?

Critical, rational, decision making. Period! By rational people.

You can't force a drug addict to give up drugs. They must want to give it up. And, you should be willing to support them in that decision.

The Iraqis didnt't ask for change. It was imposed on them. If they wanted it badly enough they would have been willing to die for their country by starting a revolution. Just like we did here.

Ironically, their willing to die for it now. At any cost, even killing some of their own for allowing our presence to remain in their homeland. So go figure that one out. And, please save your breath if you try to sell that it's the terrorists there that are the problem.

The word for the day is INSURGENT. Big difference from terrorist. You can fool some of the people some of the time. But, you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

You my friend have been duped. And, coming from New York, we are probably, the smartest bunch of people in the world. We do not like getting duped. You of all people should know better than that.

We are the best when it comes to street smarts. Because, if your street smart, your using your common sense.

That's why it didn't take long for the New Yorkers to recognize soon after the dust settled after 911, that they got duped by this president and that he was going to use 911, for what ever political gain he could get out of it.

And, we don't like being used either. There you have it. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

And, I think we liberals got it right. Good day!

Anonymous said...

New York says, Alva Goldbook you are magnificent.

You are a well informed commentator here on this sight. It was to say the least, packed with facts. Facts that simply can not be denied.

It doesn't surprise me that no one has responded back to you, with all of your comments. It's hard to argue with the truth. But, it's even harder to argue with those scriptures you laid out in your comments.

I mean, who wants to argue with Jesus. He specifically laid forth his feelings, and let those who chose to basically live selfish lives, who go out of their way to hurt others, who disobey his teachings, that they would go to HELL.

I mean try arguing with Jesus over the simple, common sense of things on how to live like him.

Be kind, be generous, be understanding, be caring, be compassionate, the list goes on.

In Jesus's eyes there is no debate on the matter. Just do as I say, or I'll throw you into the bowles of HELL. Unless you repent!

You can only forgive someone who says, "I'm sorry". And, until they do it's a sign of arrogance. And, we know how much Jesus dislikes arrogance. Just look back at the Temple he dismantled.

Again, great commentary here from you. Loved it, got it, understand it. Don't expect any responses from the other side. In fact they've probably been reading the bible, trying to find scriptures that contradict the one's you pointed out in this response of your's.

You go Alva. Looking forward to reading some more from you.

From a no good for nothing liberal from New York, who's got Jesus on my side. And, that's all that matters to me.

Take care and GOD BLESS!

Anonymous said...

MiamiMiami, as the Anonymous who posted the Howard Dean quote, methinks you misunderstood my intent.

Alva asked for an example of something stupid that Howard Dean had said. I provided it, with a tasty mocking of Dean's definition of "right wing."

Alva, you ask for examples of Jesus saying things that could be construed as conservative.

Matt 22:37-38
Jesus said unto him, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment."

Mark 10:11-12
And he (Jesus) saith unto them, "Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery."

THAT is not the teaching of a "radical liberal"

Anonymous said...

Miami Miami:

You pulled out two scriptures, that do not refer in anyway shape or form the message she was saying in her comments.

What does committing adultery have to do with the scriptures that she quoted in her message?

Other than, he expects even in marriage as in all of life. Do not do unto to others, that you do not want done to you. Be loyal, be caring, to all.

In other words do not lie, cheat, or steal. Be kind to others and do good deeds for all of the people. Take care of those who are less fortunate than you.

I believe Jesus's message is loud and clear.

Were those the only 2 conservative scriptures you could find? If you want to consider them conservative. Which I don't.

Bad, is bad. For liberals, conservatives, independants, etc. etc.

The bible preaches in all of it's scriptures to be good, period! And, to stay away from any kind of sin against Jesus.

For instance do not start a war. Turn the other cheek. Do not be deceptive.

For that matter we could consider those conservative views....if that's what you want? But, for every conservative scripture, there is a liberal to top it.

So, stop trying to make Jesus something he is not other than what he is. Our conscience!

Do not try to justify your misdeeds. Or condone Bush's. And, who ever suggested Jesus was a radical liberal?

He is a man who cares for all of his people of the world and wants to spend eternity with all of us. But, at the rate your going, it's becoming questionable.

Because, you people just don't seem to get his message. He expects no more from us, than what he expects of himself. Be do gooders.

Take his advice! New York, New York!

Including your SPOUSES.

Alva Goldbook said...

I do remember that passage. Jesus was asked which are the greatest commandments. His reply was that thou shall love the Lord thy God, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. When speaking of “loving God” it is completely apolitical. No one can “love God” is a conservative or liberal way, just as you can’t say…mow your grass in a liberal or conservative way. The reason is politics has nothing to do with loving God or mowing your grass.

Jesus also was rebuking a law made by Moses saying you could divorce. Jesus was basically saying that when two people marry they become one flesh by God’s will, and man cannot undo God. Therefore, if you leave your wife, you force her to commit adultery. Personally, I would call this apolitical as well, but would note that you probably shouldn’t mention this to Rush Limbaugh or New Gingrich. They might become upset. Ironic side note: The state with the lowest divorce rates? Bright blue Massachusetts.

Anonymous said...

Alva goldbook, you did it again.

Divorce is also highest in the Baptist (Protestant) religion.

Catholics are lower. They seem to be more willing to work out their differences.

The divorce rate has also dropped because less people are willing to get married. They would rather live together than put themselves through divorce.

Your right on the money Alva. For Miami..Miami to suggest certain scriptures have a tone of conservativeness to them is really reaching for something that is not there. Apolitical is the word for the day.

I'm not surprised, though. The conservatives will do what ever they can to get away from the fact that Jesus is a liberal.

Bad is bad, good is good, and sin is sin. And, that is what the bible preaches to all liberals, conservatives, independants, or whatever other label one may choose to place on us mortals.

And, as soon as the conservatives realize that we are all under the same umbrella in Jesus's eyes. Than and only then might things change with the way they think.

It's almost laughable. I knew no one could top what you had to say. But, that they were going to try. And, Miami, tried, alright.

I love what you put out there. It's so refreshing, to read your comments. Again, you can't argue with Jesus. Good try Miami.

N.Y N.Y.

Evan Sayet said...


It is simply an intellectual trick. (Basically a lie). The Democrats use the word "liberal" as if that's what they are. They are not. They are Liberals -- capital L -- and that is one of the most illiberal philsophies ever to poison America.

Democrats are no more liberal just because they use the word than the Communist Soviet states were "Democratic Republics" just because that's what they called themselves.

So what the leftist does is refer to famous (or potential or whatever) liberal people and pretend that means they would have endorased the hateful, lying, slandering, pro-everying evil Liberals of today.

Anonymous said...

To MiamiMiami

Last evening I sat with a flight engineer who did reconnaisance flying over Iraq. I believe he said the plane they flew was a B3.

They would take pictures of course to track certain activity in the region.

He told me a story of another group of reconnaisance flyers who shot pictures, which he said he veiwed on video tape with his team.

They had to do with a relative of Saddam, whom Saddam had banished from his country for many years.

Eventually, Saddam had accepted this relative back into the family. At least that's what he wanted him to believe.

So, he took this man to a coliseum, stripped him of his clothes, placed him into the center of the coliseum, butt naked.

Saddam had all of his generals and soldiers and of course the peasants of that country watch this man, get eaten alive by a bunch of rotweillers.

So, I asked this gentleman. Were the pictures good, clear, and decisive? He said; absolutely!

I said; there's no way that they perhaps were setting you up, knowing you guys were flying over that place almost on a daily basis.

He said; no way! We didn't miss a heartbeat with that guy. In fact we missed very little of what was going on over there.

I thought the conversation to not only be intriguing, but very informative. As to what a flight engineers responsibilty is to the captain and co captain.

He was a very proud soldier, so to speak for his country. And, I might add I thought he was too.

He couldn't speak highly enough about the work these men and women do to help our country.

After going on and on about how rewarding his work is. I decided, now I must ask him the question that's been burning away in my head and perhaps millions of others.

How much of your work is considered reliable to our national security? He said; all of it.

So I said; Tell me, and I'll call him T. T the WMD's that our soldiers went to find, where are they? I believe they made there way to Syria.

You believe they made their way to Syria. Yes, he answered. You have no proof though. No, he answered.

So T, why is it, that we were able to shoot pictures of the mauling of another human being. Yet, with what you just told me that we didn't miss a heartbeat of activity that went on over there because of the flight reconnasiances that went on, on a daily basis. Yet, we missed one of the biggest heist of all time.

How is that possible? I mean, T, we're not talking about a bunch of bows and arrows. We're talking about nuclear weapons possibly. Weapons of mass destruction.

Tanks of poison gases, you name it. Not something you would put into a pick up truck, either. Trucks that would be specifically built to safeguard that country from a freak accident occurring, while transporting these weapons.

And, since Saddam did know we were threatening to attack his country because of those WMD's, he had to know we would be watching him even closer.

Yet, we have nothing to show, that trucks were moving towards Syria in perhaps unusual amounts, at the time of that threat from the U.S.

His response was, I just have to believe that's where they are.

And, I miami miami have to rest my case. A man who makes a living shooting pictures of that very country. Could not answer the most important question. What happened to those weapons?

If in fact Saddam was relocating these weapons, and if in fact we were watching every move made in that country. Why then were those trucks not blown up as they were crossing that border? And, where are the pictures showing us those trucks?

Colin Powell stood before the U.N. showing outdated pictures. Why not show an updated version of what might be going on over there. Since he had a case to make and his reputation was on the line.

And, you want to know why the U.N. did not come along for the ride. Why France, Germany, Russia, didn't tag along. Because, we couldn't make the case.

And, not because of the oil for food program either. Everyone had their hands in that mess too. We did arms for hostages they did oil for food. Trade offs. Yes, I'm afraid we can't close our eyes to that one. It happened, and you know it sure as God made little green apples.

There are demons in all of us. Which is what Jesus has been on our case for since our birth's.

Have a great day N.Y. N.Y.

Anonymous said...

Miami Miami I say to you

If we are to believe that all that is written in the Bible to be true to it's word. Yet, we personally witnessed none of it. We have no recordings of Jesus. No video of his time here on earth.

We are simply taking the words of 12 men who apparently did. Believing it all to be Gospel.

Yet, Michael Moore produces video's, tapes, and interviews, of this president as well as those who are in the White House, and you discard that as all lies and propaganda.

If you saw the movie Fahrenheit 911, what is it that you are suggesting are lies?

Were those not pictures of our former president Bush, and son shaking hands with the Saudi's?

Was it not true that all of the networks called the election for Gore in 2000. Based on those stubborn exit polls?

Were those make believe pictures of soldiers being interviewed, voicing their opinion about the war?

Were those not genuine pictures of Bush's inauguration and 10's of thousands of people out there protesting his faux victory?

Were those not genuine clips of our president making faces into the camera like a 5 yr old kid would?

Was that not Wolf Blitzer spitting on his hand to hold his hair down on his head?

Were those not genuine clips of our president sitting in a classroom being told, "The nation is under attack" and not moving from his seat, for a total of 7 minutes?

How could he know that an attack on him was not imminent at that school, with all those little darlings in the school?

Was that a phoney news paper article on Sept 4th 2003 showing the list of Saudi's that were allowed to leave this country on the 13th of 2001? 24 of which were Bin Laden family members.

Was that a phoney picture of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam in 1983?

Was that a phoney film clip of the original records of his National Guard days verse's the one that was altered by the White House that Mcclellan showed the press, 2 yrs later?

Is it just a coincidence that Bush is friends with James R Bath who just happened to serve in the national guard with him, and Bath being the money manager for the Bin Laden family fortune, then assists Bush who just happens to be on the board, of the Harken Company with helping to finance the Harken company?

These are words from the declaration of independance:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Boy, I couldn't have said it better. We are an abused people, by this administration. We have the right, the duty, to express our dissent.

You can not blow the deficit out of the roof. You can not give tax cuts to whomever you choose during a time of war. The country can't afford it. War is expensive.

Even if those tax cuts were to benefit me. It's still wrong! The country can't afford it.

You can not say as the leader of our country. If it feels good do it. If it comes out wrong. Blame it on someone else.

This stuff is maddening. You need not argue with the facts of that movie. Unless you can prove otherwise, that it is in fact, all lies.

And, if you didn't see it. Then what you are doing is judging that movie merely on sound bites you've heard by that drug addict Rush or that ridiculous Fox News channel.

If you can believe those scriptures without ever having witnessed any of it yourself.

You should have no problem believing live interviews and real documents that were available to see and read in that movie.

And, if you had any doubt of what you saw, then google search to verify.

I say to all of you stop the spin. It's nonsense. Face the facts. Except the facts for what they are.

It's just amazing how none of you will argue about what you read in that bible. You won't even question it.

But, you'll argue with Michael Moore who produced a movie based on facts, and live tapings of these people. Showed genuine documents. And, question his integrity.

And, you want to know why some of us just don't get it.

Have a great day N.Y. N.Y.

Alva Goldbook said...

for what it's worth here's a detailed break down of DAVID KOPEL'S lies and deceits.

Fahrencrap 9/11

Anonymous said...

To Alva

Well, you did it again. You know your business and you know how to work it. One comeback after another. I just love it.

I can't tell you how dissappointed I, am, in Mayor Koch. I actually went to a luncheon at the mansion, for him.

He was our Mayor for many, many, years. He did some great things for all of us. I for the life of me, do not understand what has happened to him.

That's neither here nor there. It's all about facts that these people just seem to be frightened to death about.

I never saw Fahrencrap what ever, so I can't really voice my opinion one way or the other.

But, I will rent it to look at it and then ultimately conclude one way or the other, what I think.

What I think is interesting. Cable hasn't played it. Yet, Fahrenheit 9/11 has been out there since the election of 2004.

You would think they would want to play the other sides point of view. Funny, maybe they already know, it's full of crap.

I'll tell you what's really interesting is that Outfoxed movie. Wow! That really blows my mind.

I don't think there's anything in that movie that wasn't backed up with a dated document. And, to date, I haven't heard anyone who was sued by Fox for fabricating anything. Gee, you know what else is funny. Neither has Michael Moore.

I mean let's face it, he went after the President, and everyone else as well. So, go figure!

Well, thanks again for going after those stubborn right wingers, who think they have everything locked up.

Humpty Dumpty, aka Conservative Ignoramous's fell off that wall. Because, he got too big for his britches.

That's where the conservative party is heading. And, when they drop, which they will. Maybe then by the grace of God, they will recognize the damage they have caused.

Remember, the Roman Empire, I doubt they ever thought they would fall. History has a keen way of repeating itself. Always, keep that in my mind.

Thanks again, N.Y. N.Y.

Alva Goldbook said...

Jesus wouldn’t have thought that a woman has the right to kill an unborn child? And you base this on what? The bible says that a child is not alive until it take The Breath of Life…in other words…when it is BORN. When did Jesus EVER mention condoms? It’s true that the Dixiecrats opposed the Civil Rights Act, of course, after it was passed all the Dixiecrats went to the Republican party after the Goldwater nomination. Jesus wouldn’t hate anyone, period. But he would despise the ACTIONS of the rich to screw over the poor. Case in point, read the parable Jesus told of The Rich Man and Lazarus:

Luke 16:19-31
“There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’

“But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony.”

In other words Miami, in the words of JESUS, “The FIRST will be the LAST, and the LAST will be the FIRST.”

Evan Sayet said...

Michael Moore hasn't been sued for a number of reasons not least of which is that he has hidden behind the word "satire." His works are just a bunch of jokes and as jokes they cannot be successfully sued.

Another reason is that public figures are fair game. Proving slander and libel is difficult to begin with. It's far more difficult with public figures and darn near impossible when cowards and liars hide behind "satire" laws.

Meanwhile, Air America has been nailed in yet another horrible act. This time it turns out they stole money from children at the Boys and Girls club.

Democrats won't care because any crime -- including stealing money from needy babies -- is a-okay with them. So is craming top secret 9/11 documents down the front of their pants. So is using forged documents to try and steal elections. So is driving off a bridge drunk and killing your "female companion." So is sending your wife out to sell a ludicrous "right wing conspiracy" theory while all the while outright lying to her, to the nation and to the world.

There is NOTHING that would get a Liberal to look left because it's not America they love, it's leftism. And any lie that advances leftism is considered an act of heroism (notice Moore's place of "honor" for his anti-American propaganda film).