Monday, June 20, 2005

Durbin, Dodd and Democrats

In an interview on ABC's "This Week" Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd said "I think we're paying too much attention to that particular set of circumstances (Democratic Senator Dick Durbin's slander of America and American troops), and not the underlying question and that is whether or not we ought to maintain Guantanamo as a prison camp in Cuba."

Forget the facts and just believe the "underlying story..." where have we heard this before? Oh, yes, it was the defense CBS news used when they were caught using forged documents and trying to pawn off a mentally disturbed Democratic party partisan with multiple direct contacts to the highest officials in the Kerry campaign as an "unimpeachable source."

This is the method of the Democrat. Spew the most villainous of lies and count on the Old Media to report them unchallenged. If caught (typically by one of the new media outlets such as the blogesphere) the argument becomes "ignore the fact that we've been lying and using forged documents and 'get the underlying story'"...the one, of course, that the Democrats knew they couldn't "prove" without the forged documents and the lies in the first place.

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